Offering Piercings & Perforations
We use sterile equipment every time following all legal and industry standards. Our strict safety and precautionary standards during and after the piercing procedure ensure a sanitary environment and a comfortable piercing experience.
Please come prepared with the following forms of identification and documents: A photo I.D. for both parent and child. Both I.D.s must be state or federally issued, i.e. driver’s license, passport, or military I.D. Parties must have matching last names. In the event that the last names differ, proof of guardianship is required, such as a birth certificate or other legal guardianship papers. During the piercing process the parent is required to be present for the set-up and aftercare presentation, but is welcome to leave if they do not wish to witness the piercing procedure.
Requirement for Piercing
The Association of Professional Piercers recommend the following:
Do NOT touch your piercing with dirty hands. Properly wash your hands before touching your jewelry.
Clean the pierced area with Saline solution (a 0.9 % sodium chloride solution, like Wound Wash) using a q-tip or non-oven gauze.
Dry it gently after cleaning. Pat with clean, disposable paper products because cloth towels can harbor bacteria and snag on jewelry, causing injury.
For oral piercing, keep your mouth always clean. Brush your teeth after meals and use a Mouth wash without alcohol after drinking or eating. We recommend avoiding smoking for at least the entire healing time.
Making 15 minutes soaks with saline solution helps healing.
Don’t you use of make-up, perfumes, creams and lotions directly on or around your new piercing.